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Work with Data in Javascript

In the last section, we put together a possible data structure to help us send and receive messages in a chat app. In this section, the goal is to write some JS that can work with that data.

For all the examples below, we're going to implement code to create the example database below:

const db = {
"users": [
"name": "da335"
"chatrooms": [
"name": "2023-cs-5356-class",
"members": ["da335"],
"messages": [
"content": "hello world!",
"name": "da335",
"timestamp": "2023-02-01"

We also have this function to help create a 6 digit random ID

const generateRandomNumber = () => {
return Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000)

Working with Data in Arrays

In order to work effectively with data in Javascript, you'll make use of these 3 most common array functions:

  • users.find(user => === 'danny') - find an item in an array based on a condition
  • chatrooms.filter(chatroom => chatroom.members.length > 0) - return all items in an array that match a condition
  • array.push({ name: 'danny' }) - add an item to an array

Create a User

To create a user, we need to provide their name, and we can add an item to the users array

const createUser = name => {
name: name
// if you want to make an object unique, add an id
id: generateRandomNumber()

Create a Chatroom

To create a chatroom, we need to provide a name, and we can add an item to the chatrooms array

const createChatroom = name => {
name: name,
members: [],
messages: []
id: generateRandomNumber()

In this scenario, we provide a name as a parameter, but we add an empty members array and an empty messages array.

Join a Chatroom

To join a chatroom, we need to provide the user name & the chatroom they want to join. We can then find the chatroom, and add them to the members array

const joinChatroom = userName, chatroomName => {
const chatroom = chatrooms.find(chatroom => === chatroomName)
if (chatroom) {
} else {
console.log('No chatroom found', chatroomName)

View Chatrooms that I'm In

After you join a chatroom, you can view chatrooms that you are in by filtering chatrooms to those where your userName is included in the members array.

const viewMyChatrooms = userName => {
return chatrooms.filter(chatroom => chatroom.members.includes(userName))

Send a message to a chatroom

To send a message, we need to provide the chatroom name, the message for that chatroom, and the user who wrote it. We can then add a mesage to the chatroom.messages array.

const sendMessage = (userName, chatroomName, message) => {
const chatroom = chatrooms.find(chatroom => === chatroomName)
if (chatroom) {
content: message,
name: userName,
} else {
console.log("No chatroom found", chatroomName)