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Exercise: Define the Data Model

Let's follow the same set of steps to put together the data model for our Milestone 2 project. Review the wireframes and the use cases outlined there and attempt to answer the questions below.

  1. Identify the Domain Objects
  2. Outline the data you may need
  3. Structure the data as JSON
  4. Define any relationships

User stories to keep in mind:

  • As an instructor, I can create a class code
  • As an instructor, I can view a table of class codes I've created and the date they were created.
  • As an instructor, I can view questions that students are asking for a particular class code
  • As an instructor, I can remove questions from the list after I've answered them
  • As a student, I can ask a question (with my name or anonymously) for a particular class code
  • As a student, I can view questions being asked for a particular class code