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Exercise: Define the APIs

For this exercise, you'll take the data model that you worked on in Exercise: Define the Data Model and the functions you wrote in Exercise: Work with Data in JS and you'll define the set of APIs for your application


We have 3 resources: users, classes, and classSessions

And we had these functions:

  • createClass(className)
  • createClassSession(className)
  • askQuestion(userName, question, classSession)
  • getClasses(userName)
  • getClassSession(sessionCode)


To define your API:

  • Choose an HTTP Verb based on the action you want to take
  • Create a route for that resource
  • Describe an example of data that could be provided

For example:


POST /class

{ "name": "name of the class" }
  • I chose POST because we're going to create a resource
  • I chose /class because class is a resource
  • I chose a JSON object with a property called name to include the name of the class