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Vanilla JS & HTML Cheat Sheet

Find DOM elements

Given this HTML

<h1 id="heading" class="title">What an interesting book!</h1>
<p>This book deserves 5 out of 5 stars!</p>

1. Find an element by ID

const titleElement = document.getElementById('heading')

2. Find an element by Tag

const titleElement = document.getElementByTag('h1')

3. Find an element by CSS class

const titleElement = document.querySelector('.title')
// or
const titleElement = document.querySelector('#heading')
// or
const titleElement = document.querySelector('h1')

Modify DOM elements

Given this HTML

<h1 id="heading" class="title">What an interesting book!</h1>
<p class="content">This book deserves 5 out of 5 stars!</p>

1. Add or remove CSS classes

const titleElement = document.getElementById('heading')
// Add only if the class doesn't exist
// or
// Remove if the class does exist

2. Toggle a CSS class

const titleElement = document.getElementById('heading')
// Add if it is not defined, Remove if it is defined

Creating HTML elements

Given this HTML:


1. Using document.createElement

const headingElement = document.createElement('h1') = 'heading'
headingElement.textContent = 'What an interesting book!'


2. Using element.innerHTML

const headingElementWrapper = document.createElement('div')
headingElementWrapper.innerHTML = '<h1>What an interesting book!</h1><p>5 stars for this book</p>'

3. Using element.innerHTML with substitutions

const headingText = 'What an interesting book!'
const messageText = '5 stars for this book'

const headingElementWrapper = document.createElement('div')
headingElementWrapper.innerHTML = `<h1>${headingText}</h1><p>${messageText}</p>`

Event Handlers

Given this HTML:

<button id="my-button">Click me!</button>

Respond to a Click

const button = document.querySelector('#my-button')
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('You clicked the button!')